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10 Ways Churches & Ministries Can Prepare for 2021

Nov 20, 2020

We couldn’t have possibly prepared for what awaited us this past year. While 2020 brought about many shifts in our lives, we can use the last co...

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How to Pay a Minister a Holiday Bonus

Nov 10, 2020

The holidays are coming up fast! That means it's time to prepare for everything that comes with them: the food, the time with family and friends, and ...

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Are We Practicing Safe Fundraising?

Oct 29, 2020

Fundraising is an essential part of a 501(c)3 organization. Churches frequently rely on tithes and offerings from members, and the fact that they can ...

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One Pastor's (Literal) Trial by Fire

Oct 27, 2020

It was a warm, late summer day. One of the trustees from my church and I decided to start a project to redo the flooring in the church kitchen. We pro...

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5 Ways to Recover from Pastoral Burnout

Oct 22, 2020

Leading a ministry is hard. Leading a ministry through a global pandemic is even harder. As a pastor, God has equipped you with the strength and stami...

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How to Pay Foreign Guest Speakers

Oct 20, 2020

Many churches are operating on a remote basis right now, with the limits on travel and gathering still in place. This can cause difficulties for admin...

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3 Tips for Creating Your Church's 2021 Budget

Oct 13, 2020

As we approach 2021, it's time to start planning a budget for the New Year. However, we know this can be one of the most challenging tasks for a churc...

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5 Ways You Can Misuse Church Credit Cards

Oct 01, 2020

The information in this blog for church credit cards also applies to church debit cards. Credit and debit cards are an easy way for churches to allow...

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What Churches Need to Know About PPP Loan Updates

Sep 22, 2020

On March 27th, 2020, the CARES Act went into effect to provide relief from the economic distress caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Through the Paycheck...

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