Kingdom Steward 2.0 Support

Thank you for using Kingdom Steward 2.0! We have gone to great lengths to make this application as easy as possible to help you keep your focus on the ministry to which God has called you!

This support section will help you through each of the functions offered by Kingdom Steward to help you manage your tithes and offerings. It is organized into separate sections which can be found on the left hand side of this screen. Simply select the section you'd like to read!

Setting Up Your Organization Information

The first thing you want to do when you begin using Kingdom Steward is to your organization's basic information.This information will automatically display on your receipts and contribution statements, which the Kingdom Steward program may be used to generate. Setting up your basic organization information is done through the Account menu of the Kingdom Steward cloud application. The Account menu can be found in the top right of the application.

To Complete Basic Information for Your Organization

  1. Click on the Account menu can be found in the top right of the application.
  2. Select Organization Information. The Organization Information dialog appears. TIP: Use your [Tab] key to move to each separate field in the form.
  3. Enter the pastor's Name and title, plus the organization name and address in their respective fields.
  4. Type in your organization's FEIN (Tax ID Number). This is the ID that you use to identify your organization for tax purposes.
  5. Include your organization's phone, fax, email and website address.

Deposit Accounts

The Deposit Accounts window provides you the opportunity to enter all of the possible types of accounts that your organization holds. This includes all bank accounts to which you will deposit incoming contributions. You should also have one or more noncash accounts if you are planning on accepting noncash contributions.

To Access the Deposit Accounts Settings:

  1. Click on the Settings tab (one of the main menu tabs).
  2. Click the Deposit Accounts item on the left to open the Deposit Accounts settings.

Once you've entered the Deposit Account window, you may add, edit and remove Deposit Accounts. You may also change the Default Deposit Account.

Adding and Saving a New Deposit Account

  1. Click on the Add button, which is just under the main menu tabs.
  2. Type the name of the new account inside the Name field.
  3. Type the account number inside the Name field (this is optional and may be added at anytime).
  4. Select the type of deposit account for this account. Remember, only contributions of this type can be deposited to this account.
  5. Click Ok to save.

Editing an Existing Deposit Account

  1. Select the account you would like to edit by clicking directly on the row.
  2. Click on the Edit button, which is just under the main menu tabs.
  3. Type the new name of the account inside the Name field.
  4. Type the account number inside the Name field (this is optional and may be added at anytime).
  5. Select the type of deposit account for this account. Remember, only contributions of this type can be deposited to this account.
  6. Click Ok to save.

Deleting an Existing Deposit Account

Note: You cannot delete the default Deposit Account. If you would like to delete the current default Deposit Account. You must change the default to another Deposit Account. See Changing the Default Deposit Account below. Additionally, you cannot delete Deposit Accounts that have contributions assigned to them.

  1. Select the account you would like to delete by clicking directly on the row.
  2. Click on the Delete button, which is just under the main menu tabs.
  3. Click Yes to delete the Deposit Account.

Changing the Default Deposit Account

The default Deposit Account is automatically used when posting new contributions. This account can be changed at any time to any account of your choosing.

The current default Deposit Account is marked by a "Y" in the "Default" column of the Deposit Accounts table.

  1. Select the account you would like to make the new default by clicking directly on the row.
  2. Click on the Set Default button, which is just under the main menu tabs.

Income Funds

The Income Funds window provides you the opportunity to enter all of the possible types of funds that exist within your organization. Whenever a organization does its nonprofit funds accounting, everything is divided by income funds. That way, for example, if they have a particular mission that they are supporting, they can consolidate all the funding that is devoted toward that mission.

To Access the Income Funds Settings:

  1. Click on the Settings tab (one of the main menu tabs).
  2. Click the Funds item on the left to open the Income Funds settings.

Once you've entered the Income Fund window, you may add, edit and remove Income Funds. You may also change the Default Fund.

Adding and Saving a New Income Fund

  1. Click on the Add button, which is just under the main menu tabs.
  2. Type the name of the new fund inside the Fund Name field.
  3. Click Ok to save.

Editing an Existing Income Fund

  1. Select the fund you would like to edit by clicking directly on the row.
  2. Click on the Edit button, which is just under the main menu tabs.
  3. Type the new name of the fund inside the Fund Name field.
  4. Click Ok to save.

Deleting an Existing Income Fund

Note: You cannot delete the default income fund. If you would like to delete the current default income fund. You must change the default to another income fund. See Changing the Default Income Fund below. Additionally, you cannot delete income funds that have contributions assigned to them.

  1. Select the fund you would like to delete by clicking directly on the row.
  2. Click on the Delete button, which is just under the main menu tabs.
  3. Click Yes to delete the income fund.

Changing the Default Income Fund

The default income fund is automatically used when adding new contributions. This fund can be changed at any time to any fund of your choosing.

The current default income fund is marked by a "Y" in the "Default" column of the income funds table.

  1. Select the fund you would like to make the new default by clicking directly on the row.
  2. Click on the Set Default button, which is just under the main menu tabs.

Receipt Letters

The Receipt Letters window provides you the opportunity to enter all of the of text that your organization will include when sending out individual contribution receipts.

To Access the Receipt Letters Settings:

  1. Click on the Settings tab (one of the main menu tabs).
  2. Click the Receipt Letters item on the left to open the Receipt Letters settings.

Once you've entered the Receipt Letter window, you may add, edit and remove Receipt Letters. You may also change the Default Receipt Letter.

Adding and Saving a New Receipt Letter

  1. Click on the Add button, which is just under the main menu tabs.
  2. Type the name of the new letter inside the Name field.
  3. Type the closing signature line of the new letter inside the Signature field (i.e. Blessings!).
  4. Type the message you would like to include in the receipt letter.
  5. Click Ok to save.

Editing an Existing Receipt Letter

  1. Select the letter you would like to edit by clicking directly on the row.
  2. Click on the Edit button, which is just under the main menu tabs.
  3. Type the new name of the letter inside the Name field.
  4. Type the closing signature line of the letter inside the Signature field (i.e. Blessings!).
  5. Type the message you would like to include in the receipt letter.
  6. Click Ok to save.

Deleting an Existing Receipt Letter

Note: You cannot delete the default Receipt Letter. If you would like to delete the current default Receipt Letter. You must change the default to another Receipt Letter. See Changing the Default Receipt Letter below. Additionally, you cannot delete Receipt Letters that have contributions assigned to them.

  1. Select the letter you would like to delete by clicking directly on the row.
  2. Click on the Delete button, which is just under the main menu tabs.
  3. Click Yes to delete the Receipt Letter.

Changing the Default Receipt Letter

The default Receipt Letter is automatically used when printing receipt letters. This letter can be changed at any time to any letter of your choosing.

The current default Receipt Letter is marked by a "Y" in the "Default" column of the Receipt Letters table.

  1. Select the letter you would like to make the new default by clicking directly on the row.
  2. Click on the Set Default button, which is just under the main menu tabs.


Contributions make up the heart of Kingdom Steward. The program was designed with the specific purpose of making it as easy as possible for you to manage contributions made to your organization.

There are two basic steps to entering contributions into Kingdom Steward: adding and posting. When an individual contribution is recieved, you will want to add it in Kingdom Steward immediately. You should wait to post the contribution in Kingdom Steward until you're ready to make a deposit. Then you can post all of the contributions you are depositing at one time, in one deposit.

Adding a Contribution

  1. Click on the Contributions tab (one of the main menu tabs).
  2. Click on the Add button, which is just under the main menu tabs.
  3. Begin typing the name of the donor. While you are typing, Kingdom Steward will be looking through your list of donors for a match.
  4. If a match is found, you can go straight to the next field; if not you will be asked to add a new donor. Don't worry, all you need is the donor's first and last name (or organization name); you can leave all the rest blank if you don't have it handy, then just enter it later.
  5. Select the date that the contribution was received.
  6. Enter the total amount given by the donor.
  7. You may enter a memo (i.e. check memo/number). This is optional.
  8. If the donor received any goods or services in exchange for the contribution (i.e. a spaghetti dinner fundraiser or admittance to a special event), special IRS rules apply. Namely, the value of the goods or services received is not deductible. Please follow the following steps if goods or services were received by the donor.
    1. Enter the full value of the goods or services your organization provided to the donor.
    2. Enter a short description detailing the goods or services provided to the donor.
    3. Because the value of the goods or services provided is not deductible, add a new fund account to the contribution split.
    4. Set the amount of the new fund account to the value of the goods or services.
    5. Uncheck the "deductible" checkbox for the new fund account.
    6. You will know that you've followed these steps correctly when the "Goods or Services Exchange Balance" at the bottom of the form is $0.00.
  9. Select the Income Fund to which you would like to assign the contribution by double-clicking on the existing default record, then selecting the fund from the dropdown list.
  10. You may split the contribution among multiple funds by clicking Add in the Splits section. When using multiple funds, it is important that the sum of all the funds be equal to the total amount given. You will know that you've followed these steps correctly when the "Split Balance" at the bottom of the form is $0.00.
  11. Click Save and New to save and begin adding another record. Otherwise click Save and Close to save and return to the Contributions tab.

Posting Contributions

Once you have added all of the current contributions, and you are ready to deposit them, you should post the contributions in Kingdom Steward. Posting the funds will record them as deposited in Kingdom Steward. Therefore, the posting date should be the same as the deposit date.

  1. To post all of the contributions simply click on the Post Contributions button in the bottom right hand corner of your screen. However, if you would like to deposit only a selection of the contributions check the appropriate boxes in the left hand column of the contributions list. You maay check or uncheck all contributions using the check box in the left column header
  2. Select the date the deposit was or will be made.
  3. Select the account to which the contributions were or will be deposited.
  4. Confirm the listing of the individual contributions being deposited matches your physical records.
  5. Confirm the total matches your physical records.
  6. Click Post to post the contributions.

Editing an Existing Contribution

Contributions may be edited as long as they have not been posted to a deposit account. To edit an unposted contribution follow the instructions below. However, if the contribution has already been posted, you must first follow the instructions found in Deposits: Unposting Deposits.

  1. Click on the Contributions tab (one of the main menu tabs).
  2. Select the contribution you would like to edit by clicking directly on the row.
  3. Click on the Edit button, which is just under the main menu tabs.
  4. Make the desired changes.
  5. Click Save and Close to save your changes.

Deleting an Existing Contribution

Contributions may be deleted as long as they have not been posted to a deposit account. To delete an unposted contribution follow the instructions below. However, if the contribution has already been posted, you must first follow found in Deposits: Unposting Deposits.

  1. Click on the Contributions tab (one of the main menu tabs).
  2. Select the contribution you would like to delete by clicking directly on the row.
  3. Click on the Delete button, which is just under the main menu tabs.
  4. Click Yes to delete the contribution.


A deposit is created when one or more contributions are posted. For information on posting contributions, see Contributions: Posting Contributions.

Viewing Deposits

To view your deposits, follow these instructions:

  1. Click on the Deposits tab (one of the main menu tabs).
  2. Here you will see a list of all deposits. Double-click on directly on a deposit to view its details.

Unposting Deposits

If an error has been made on one or more of the contributions contained within a deposit, the deposit must be unposted before any corrections can be made. Please use extreme caution when unposting contributions!

  1. Click on the Contributions tab (one of the main menu tabs).
  2. Make sure there are no pending contributions. Once you unpost a deposit, all of its contributions will be placed back in this list.
  3. Click on the Deposits tab (one of the main menu tabs).
  4. Select the deposits you would like to edit by clicking once directly on the row.
  5. Click on the Unpost button, which is just under the main menu tabs.
  6. >


Kingdom Steward allows you to add to types of donors: People and Organizations. Because we strongly believe that entering contributions should be as easy as possible, very little information is actually required to add a contribution for a donor.

  • For a person, all that is needed is a first and last name.
  • For an organization, all that is needed is the organization name.

To Access the Donors, click on the Donors tab (one of the main menu tabs).

Once you've entered the Donor window, you may add, edit and remove Donors.

Adding and Saving a New Donor

  1. Click on the Add button, which is just under the main menu tabs.
  2. Type the first and last name or organization name of the new donor in the appropriate fields.
  3. Fill in any remaining contact information you may have. While it is not required we highly recommend securing the donor's mailing address, email address and at least one phone number as these items will help when printing receipts and year-end statements.
  4. Click Save to save and return to the Donors tab.

Editing an Existing Donor

  1. Select the donor you would like to edit by clicking directly on the row.
  2. Click on the Edit button, which is just under the main menu tabs.
  3. Make your edits
  4. Click Save to save and return to the Donors tab.

Deleting an Existing Donor

Note: You cannot delete Donors that have contributions assigned to them.

  1. Select the donor you would like to delete by clicking directly on the row.
  2. Click on the Delete button, which is just under the main menu tabs.
  3. Click Yes to delete the Donor.

Printing Individual Contribution Receipts

Receipts in Kingdom Steward can be printed one of three ways.

First, each time you post contributions, you will be prompted to print receipts. To print receipts for a deposit, simply click Yes when prompted.

Note: Receipts printed using this method will print using the current default receipt. For instructions on changing the default, see Changing the Default Receipt Letter in the Receipt Letters Section

Second, receipts for a deposit can be printed from the Deposits tab using the following instructions.

  1. Select the deposit containing the contributions for which you would like to print receipts by clicking directly on the row.
  2. Click on the Print Receipts button, which is just under the main menu tabs.
  3. Click Print at the bottom of the window that opens.

Note: Receipts printed using this method will print using the current default receipt. For instructions on changing the default, see Changing the Default Receipt Letter in the Receipt Letters Section

Third, receipts can be printed based on a date range from the Donors tab using the following instructions.

  1. Click on the Reports button, which is just under the main menu tabs.
  2. Select Giving Receipts.
  3. Select the Letter Template and enter the desired Date Range.
  4. Click Print at the bottom of the window that opens.

Printing Contribution Statements

Contribution Statements can be printed based on a date range from the Donors tab using the following instructions.

  1. Click on the Reports button, which is just under the main menu tabs.
  2. Select Giving Statements.
  3. Select the Letter Template and enter the desired Date Range.
  4. Click Print at the bottom of the window that opens.