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Giving Halo Support

Thank you for using Giving Halo! We have gone to great lengths to make this software as easy as possible to help you keep your focus on the ministry to which God has called you to lead!

This support section will help you through each of the functions offered by Kingdom Steward to help you manage your tithes and offerings. It is organized into separate sections, which can be found on the left-hand side of this screen. Simply select the section you'd like to read!

Set up Organization Information & New Users

When you initially start Kingdom Steward, it will bring you through a step-by-step process of entering your organization's information. However, if you need to change your organization's information, follow the instructions below.

  1. Click the Software Switcher (the icon with four squares) found in the top right of the application.
  2. Click on Admin Dashboard. Note: only users with Admin priviledges can access the Admin Dashboard.
  3. Click on the Edit button within the row of your listed organization name.
  4. Make the necessary changes.
  5. Click Save to keep your new changes.

To add users, follow the instructions below.

Users will be able to access Kingdom Steward and log in to your organization's account. If you only need to add donors, see Donors.

  1. Click on the “Users” sub-tab.
  2. Click on the New User button, which is located at the top right-hand side of the screen.
  3. Type in the name of the new user you want to include. If the name does not exist, add a new name using Quick Add User.
  4. Fill in any remaining contact information you may have. Make sure to include a working email address. This is what the new user will use to log in to their profile.
  5. Click Save to save and return to the main tab.

Once you create a user, they'll receive an invite to create their password.

To go back to Kingdom Steward, click on the software switcher and select “Kingdom Steward.”

Deposit Accounts

The Deposit Accounts page provides you the opportunity to enter all of the possible types of accounts that your organization holds. This includes all bank accounts to which you will deposit incoming contributions. You should also have one or more non-cash accounts if you plan to accept non-cash contributions.

To Access the Deposit Accounts Settings:

  1. Click on the Settings tab (one of the main menu tabs).
  2. Click the Deposit Accounts item on the left to open the Deposit Accounts settings.

Once you've entered the Deposit Account page, you may add, edit and remove Deposit Accounts. You may also change the default Deposit Account.

Adding and Saving a New Deposit Account

  1. Click on the Add button located at the top right-hand corner of the screen.
  2. Type the name of the new account inside the Name field.
    • Tip: You can type in a name and include the last digits of the account number so you can tell the accounts apart.
  3. Select the type of deposit account for this account.
  4. Select the toggle if this Deposit Account will be the default account. Leave the toggle off if you do not want this particular deposit account to be the default.
  5. Click Save to save.

Editing an Existing Deposit Account

  1. Select the account you would like to edit by clicking directly on the row.
  2. Type the new name of the account inside the Name field.
  3. Select the type of deposit account for this account.
  4. Click Save to save.

Deleting an Existing Deposit Account

Note: You cannot delete the default Deposit Account. If you would like to delete the current default Deposit Account, you must change the default to another Deposit Account. See Changing the Default Deposit Account below. Additionally, you cannot delete Deposit Accounts with deposits assigned to them.

  1. Select the account you would like to delete by clicking directly on the row.
  2. Click the Remove Deposit Account button located at the bottom left-hand side of the Deposit Account screen.
  3. Click Confirm to delete the Deposit Account.

Changing the Default Deposit Account

The default Deposit Account is automatically used when posting new contributions. This account can be changed at any time to any account of your choosing.

The current default Deposit Account is marked with a "Default" tag in the Deposit Accounts list.

  1. Select the account you would like to make the new default by clicking directly on the row.
  2. Select the toggle Default deposit account to set this Deposit Account as your new default.

Fund Accounts

The Fund Accounts page provides you the opportunity to enter all of the possible types of funds that exist within your organization. Everything is divided by funds whenever an organization does its nonprofit funds accounting. That way, for example, if they have a particular mission they are supporting, they can consolidate all the funding devoted to that mission.

To Access the Fund Accounts Settings:

  1. Click on the Settings tab (one of the main menu tabs).
  2. Click the Fund Accounts item on the left to open the Fund Accounts settings.

Once you've entered the Fund Accounts page, you may add, edit and remove Fund Accounts. You may also change the Default Fund.

Adding and Saving a New Fund Account

  1. Click on the Add button, which is located at the top right-hand corner of the Fund Accounts view.
  2. Type the name of the new fund inside the Name field.
  3. Select the toggle if this Fund Account will be the default fund account. Leave the toggle off if you do not want this particular fund account to be the default.
  4. Click Save.

Editing an Existing Fund Account

  1. Select the fund you would like to edit by clicking directly on the row.
  2. Type the new name of the fund inside the Name field.
  3. Click Save.

Deleting an Existing Fund Account

Note: You cannot delete the default fund account. If you would like to delete the current default fund account, you must change the default to another fund account. See Changing the Default Fund Account below. Additionally, you cannot delete fund accounts that have contributions assigned to them.

  1. Select the fund you would like to delete by clicking directly on the row.
  2. Click on the Remove Fund Account button, which is located on the bottom left-hand side of the Fund Accounts screen.
  3. Click Confirm to delete the fund account.

Changing the Default Fund Account

The default fund account is automatically used when adding new contributions. This fund can be changed at any time to any fund of your choosing.

The current default fund is marked with a "Default" tag in the Fund Accounts list.

  1. Select the fund you would like to make the new default by clicking directly on the row.
  2. Select the "Default fund account" toggle to set this Fund Account as your new default.

Letter Templates

The Letter Templates page allows you to enter all of the text that your organization will include when sending out contribution receipts or statements.

To Access the Letter Templates Settings:

  1. Click on the Settings tab (one of the main menu tabs).
  2. Click the Letter Templates item on the left to open the Letter Templates settings.

Once you've entered the Letter Templates page, you may add, edit and remove Letter Templates. You may also change the Default Letter Template.

Adding and Saving a New Letter Template

  1. Click on the Add button, which is located at the top right-hand corner of the Letter Templates view.
  2. Type the title of the new letter inside the Letter Title field.
  3. Type the message you would like to include in the letter.
  4. Fill out the optional sections under Sender Information. If you complete these fields, these details will be included as the contact information within the letter template.
  5. Select the toggle if this letter template will be the default letter template. Leave the toggle off if you do not want this particular letter template to be the default.
  6. Click Save.

Editing an Existing Letter Template

  1. Select the letter you would like to edit by clicking directly on the row.
  2. Type the new name of the letter inside the Letter Title field.
  3. Type the message you would like to include in the letter.
  4. Click Save.

Deleting an Existing Letter Template

Note: You cannot delete the default Letter Template. If you would like to delete the current default letter template, you must change the default to another letter template. See Changing the Default Letter Template below.

  1. Select the letter you would like to delete by clicking directly on the row.
  2. Click on the Delete button located on the bottom left-hand side of the Letter Templates screen.
  3. Click Confirm to delete the letter template.

Changing the Default Letter Template

The default letter template is automatically pre-selected when printing contribution receipts and statements. This letter can be changed at any time to any letter of your choosing.

The current default letter template is marked with a "Default" tag in the Letter Templates list.

  1. Select the letter you would like to make the new default by clicking directly on the row.
  2. Select the "Default fund account" toggle to set this letter template as your new default.


Contributions make up the heart of Kingdom Steward. The program was designed with the specific purpose of making it as easy as possible for you to manage contributions made to your organization.

There are two basic steps to entering contributions into Kingdom Steward: adding a contribution record and creating a new deposit. When an individual contribution is received, you will want to add it in Kingdom Steward immediately. When you have all of your contributions entered, create a new deposit in Kingdom Steward. In other words, batch all of the contributions you are depositing at one time in one deposit.

Adding a Contribution

  1. Click on the Contributions tab (one of the main menu tabs).
  2. Click on the Add Contribution button, located at the top left-hand corner of the Contributions view.
  3. Begin typing the name of the donor within the Search Donor bar. While you are typing, Kingdom Steward will be looking through your list of donors for a match.
  4. If a match is found, you can click on the donor name within the list. If not, you will be asked to add a new donor using Quick Add Donor. Don't worry, all you need is the donor's first and last name (or organization name); you can find their new profile under People and add more details to their profile later.
  5. Select the date that the contribution was received.
  6. Select the media type (the giving method) for the donation.
  7. Next, enter a memo (i.e., check memo/number). This is optional.
  8. Special IRS rules apply if the donor received any goods or services in exchange for the contribution (i.e., a spaghetti dinner fundraiser or admittance to a special event). Namely, the value of the goods or services received is not deductible. Please follow the following steps if goods or services were received by the donor.
    1. Enter the full value of the goods or services your organization provided to the donor.
    2. Enter a short description detailing the goods or services provided to the donor.
    3. Because the value of the goods or services provided is not deductible, add a new fund line item to the contribution entry.
    4. Set the amount of the new fund line item to the value of the goods or services.
    5. Unselect the "deductible" toggle for the new fund account.
    6. You will know that you've followed these steps correctly when the amount of the value of goods or services shows under the non-deductible section at the bottom.
  9. Select the Fund Account to which you would like to assign the contribution by clicking on the existing default record, then selecting the fund from the dropdown list.
  10. When using multiple funds within one donation, click Add contribution fund to create another line item within your one contribution entry.
  11. Click Save and New to save and begin adding another record. Otherwise, click Save and Close to save and return to the Contributions tab.

Depositing Contributions

Once you have added all of the current contributions and you are ready to deposit them, create a new deposit in Kingdom Steward. Creating a new deposit within Contributions will record your contribution records as deposited. This is not linked to your actual bank account, but you should mirror your bank deposit records. Therefore, the date should be the same as the actual deposit date.

  1. To create a new deposit, select multiple contribution records using the checkboxes on the left-hand side of the table. Once you have your contributions selected, batch them together by clicking on the New Deposit button in the top left-hand corner of your screen, right next to New Contribution.
  2. Select the date the deposit was or will be made.
  3. Select the account to which the contributions were or will be deposited to.
  4. Feel free to use the Memo box to notate any special notes about the deposit you are making.
  5. Confirm the listing of the individual contributions being deposited matches your physical records.
  6. Confirm the total matches your physical records.
  7. Click Save to batch the contributions as a new deposit.

Editing an Existing Contribution

Contributions may be edited as long as they have not been batched into a deposit account. To edit a contribution that has not been deposited, follow the instructions below. However, if the contribution has already been moved to a deposit, you'll follow the instructions found in Deposits: Unposting Deposits.

  1. Click on the Contributions tab (one of the main menu tabs).
  2. Click on the Edit button within the contribution row.
  3. Make the desired changes.
  4. Click Save and Close to save your changes.

Deleting an Existing Contribution

Contributions may be edited as long as they have not been batched into a deposit account. To edit a contribution that has not been deposited, follow the instructions below. However, if the contribution has already been moved to a deposit, you'll follow the instructions found in Deposits: Unposting Deposits.

  1. Click on the Contributions tab (one of the main menu tabs).
  2. Select the contribution you would like to delete by selecting the checkbox for that row (or multiple rows at once if you want to delete more than one contribution at a time).
  3. Click on the Delete Contribution button located at the top left-hand side, next to New Deposit and New Contribution.
  4. Click Confirm to delete the contribution.


A deposit is created when one or more contributions are batched together. For information on batching contributions, see Contributions: Depositing Contributions.

Viewing and Editing Deposits

To view your deposits, follow these instructions:

  1. Click on the Deposits tab (one of the main menu tabs).
  2. Here you will see a list of all deposits. Click the Edit button on a deposit row to view its details and to make edits.

Unposting Deposits

If an error has been made on one or more of the contributions contained within a deposit, the deposit must be unposted before any corrections can be made. Please use extreme caution when unposting contributions!

  1. Click on the Deposits tab (one of the main menu tabs).
  2. Select the deposit record you would like to edit by clicking the Edit button.
  3. Click on the Unpost deposit button, located at the bottom left-hand side of the deposit detail screen.
  4. Click Confirm.
  5. The contributions in that unposted deposit will now show under the Contributions tab.


Kingdom Steward allows you to add two types of donors: People and Organizations. Both types of donors have their own page for record-keeping. Because we strongly believe that entering contributions should be as easy as possible, very little information is actually required to add a contribution for a donor.

  • For a person, all that is needed is a first and last name.
  • For an organization, all that is needed is the organization name.

To Access the Donors, click on the People tab (one of the main menu tabs). To access the Donor Organizations, click on the Donor Organizations tab instead.

Once you've entered the Donor (People tab or Donor Organizations tab window), you may add, edit and remove Donors.

Adding and Saving a New Donor

  1. Click on the New Donor (or New Donor Organization) button located at the top left-hand corner of the screen.
  2. Type the first and last name or organization name of the new donor in the appropriate fields.
  3. Fill in any remaining contact information you may have. While it is not required, we highly recommend securing the donor's mailing address, email address, and at least one phone number, as these items will help when emailing or printing receipts and year-end statements.
  4. Click Save to save and return to the main tab.

Editing an Existing Donor

  1. Select the donor you would like to edit by clicking the View Donor button located on the right side of the row.
  2. Click on the Edit Contact button located at the top right-hand side of the Donor profile view.
  3. Add your edits in the fields.
  4. Click Save to save and return to the Donors profile view.

Archiving an Existing Donor

Because you cannot delete donors that have contributions assigned to them, you will want to use the Archive feature.

  1. Select the donor you would like to archive by clicking the Archive button on the right-hand side of the row.
  2. Click Confirm to archive the Donor.

You can view your archived donors by toggling the Show Archived toggle located to the left of the search bar, located on the top right-hand side of the People and Donor Organization views. Toggling off the Show Archived button will show your active donors within the table.

Sending Individual Contribution Receipts

Receipts in Kingdom Steward are located within the Donor or Donor Organization's profile under the Finance sub-tab.

  1. Select the donor you would like to send a receipt to by clicking the View Donor button located on the right side of the row.
  2. Select the Finance sub-tab located on the left sidebar.
  3. Select the date range of the contribution entry you are looking for.
  4. Once your contribution record appears within the table, click on the Send Contribution Receipt button. This blue button is located on the right-hand side of the contribution record line item right next to Edit.
  5. Select your preferred Letter Template.
  6. Click Download to download a printable version of the receipt or click on Send Now to email a copy of the receipt directly to the Donor.

Sending Contribution Statements

Contribution Statements can be downloaded and emailed one of three ways.

People and Donor Organizations Main Table

First, you can send multiple contribution statements from the main People or Donor Organization view.

  1. Click on the People tab or the Donor Organizations tab.
  2. Select multiple donors using the checkboxes on the left-hand side of the table. If you want to select everyone at once, click on the one checkbox located in the header of the table.
  3. Once you have selected your donors, the Send Statements button will enable. The Send Statements button is located on the top left-hand side of the table right next to New Donor or New Donor Organization.
  4. Select your preferred letter template from the drop-down menu.
  5. Select your statements' date range. Typically, statements cover a full calendar year.
  6. You can preview the statements before you send them by clicking on the Preview button.
  7. Click the Download button to download printable versions of the statements of the donors you have selected. Or, click the Send Now button to email the statements to the donors you have selected.
    • Please note: If you have selected donors that do not have emails in their profile, a toggle button will appear to give you the option to automatically download the statements if a statement cannot be emailed directly.

Secondly, you can send an individual contribution statement directly from the donor table view.

  1. Locate the donor you would like to send a statement to and click the Send Statements button located on the right side of the row. This is located right next to the View Donor and Archive Donor buttons.
  2. Select your preferred letter template from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select your statement's date range. Typically, statements cover a full calendar year.
  4. You can preview the statement before you send it by clicking on the Preview button.
  5. Click the Download button to download a printable version of the statement of the donor you have selected. Or, click the Send Now button to email the statement to the donor you have selected.

People and Donor Organizations Profile Views

Thirdly, you can send an individual contribution statement directly from the Finance sub-tab within a donor's profile.

  1. Select the donor you would like to send a statement to by clicking the View Donor button located on the right side of the row.
  2. Select the Finance sub-tab located on the left-hand side.
  3. Click on the Send Statements button located on the top left-hand side of the Contributions History screen.
  4. Select your statement's date range. Typically, statements cover a full calendar year.
  5. Select your preferred Letter Template.
  6. Click Download to download a printable version of the statement, or click on Send Now to email a copy of the statement directly to the Donor.

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