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Category : Finance Management

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How Much Should You Pay Your Pastor?

Aug 27, 2020

The day that a church decides to pay its pastor is a milestone. It can be an exciting time of growth and opportunity for the church and the pastor, bu...

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1 Way to Increase Your Church’s Revenue

Aug 04, 2020

Dear Pastors, Do you find yourself donating more and more of your personal money to keep your church afloat? Is your church struggling financially ...

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5 Steps to a Minister's Retirement Plan

Jul 21, 2020

Everyone understands the concept of retirement on a general level: you save money while you are working, and when you turn 65, you stop working and ha...

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How to Have Hard Benevolence Conversations

Jun 25, 2020

To say that there is so much going on in the world now would be an understatement. We know that families are under stress. We know that church communi...

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3 Tips for Managing Your Church Funds

Mar 05, 2020

When it comes to church finances, being a church leader, and doing it the correct way makes an incredible impact on your congregation.  Statisti...

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How to Create a Budget for Your Ministry

Mar 03, 2020

As we get ever closer to spring, we all seem to naturally think about getting things clean, fresh, and new. Once we move past the new year plans, we g...

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6 Benefits of Hiring a Bookkeeper

Feb 20, 2020

Any organization that deals with money, whether it is registered as a for-profit, nonprofit, church, or ministry, should consider hiring a bookkeeper....

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The Difference Between Restricted & Designated Offerings

Jan 23, 2020

It is common for churches and ministries to receive donations for building campaigns, outreach programs, benevolence, and other reasons. These types o...

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2020 Mileage Reimbursement Updates

Jan 14, 2020

A new year is here, which means the IRS has updated and reassessed the standard mileage reimbursement rates that calculate the deductible costs for an...

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