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Category : Laws and Taxes

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4 Housing Allowance Myths You Need to Know

Aug 20, 2020

The minister's housing allowance is arguably one of the most advantageous benefits available to ministers—while also one of the most confusing. ...

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The 3 Main Definitions of a Minister

Jul 16, 2020

What comes to mind when you hear the term "ordained"? The word "ordained" or "ordination" often conjures up the idea of the religious ceremony that...

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Updated Tax Filing Dates Ministers Need to Know

Jun 23, 2020

January of any new year has a reputation for many things: New Year’s resolutions, new goals, and a time to close out the past year and reflect o...

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Can a Ministry Lose it’s 501(c)(3) Status?

Apr 21, 2020

Congratulations! Your ministry has received its 501(c)(3) status with the IRS! We are excited for you and the work that your ministry now has the free...

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Can the COVID-19 Crisis Get Your Church out of a Lease?

Mar 31, 2020

There is a provision that many contracts call force majeure. In various cases, this provision may excuse a party from the obligations of a contract du...

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Supreme Court to Hear First Amendment Case

Jan 21, 2020

Keeping up with the latest trends and happenings in the church world can be overwhelming. We live in a day and age where things are changing nearly as...

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Bylaws Save Florida Church from Lawsuit

Sep 19, 2019

A Florida church was facing a potential lawsuit. It was being sued for defamation for $3 million. The individual filing the lawsuit had served as a de...

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State Shuts Down Daycare

Jul 02, 2019

Greater Purpose Church* established their church-owned business in 2018. They established God’s Children Daycare* in eager hopes of providing th...

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Member Sues Church Over Big Love Offerings

Feb 04, 2014

A man, who was dismissed from membership for causing division and strife over love offerings given to guest speakers, filed a lawsuit against the chur...

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