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Category : Laws and Taxes

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7 Tips for a Stress-Free Tax Season

Feb 03, 2022

With tax season upon us, we wanted to share with you a few tips that could make your 2022 tax process a breeze.  A f...

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7 Important Tax Rules for Year-End Giving Receipts

Dec 14, 2021

Read Time: 4 Minutes With almost everything digitized in the 21st Century, it stands to reason that receiving donations as a nonprofit organization s...

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Important Tax Guidelines for Ministers

Nov 30, 2021

Read Time: 5 Minutes Tax season is almost here! For most ministers and pastors, taxes can be extremely daunting. The good news is, with the correct i...

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A #1 Common Mistake Pastors Make

Jul 29, 2021

Read Time: 4.5 minutes "What do you mean I have to pay taxes on all this? We are a nonprofit! We shouldn't have to pay sales tax on these supplies."&...

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Equality Act: What Churches Must Know

May 06, 2021

On February 25th, 2021, the Equality Act passed through the House of Representatives with a 224-206 vote. One week later, it made its way to the Senat...

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3 Huge Tax Benefits for Ministers

Mar 09, 2021

4 Minute Read Did you know that the current tax code still favors ministers when it comes to their tax liability? The laws within the tax code, howev...

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11 Common Myths About Pastors’ Tax Returns

Feb 23, 2021

4 Minute ReadIn this day and age, seemingness endless options exist when it comes time to file your taxes. Almost all of them boast convenience and ea...

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3 Must-Know Tax Benefits for Pastors and Ministers

Jan 07, 2021

Some pastors find themselves saying something along the lines of, “I am so upset that I owe $5,875.00 on my tax return!” Or you may hear a...

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This One Form Equals More Money

Sep 09, 2020

After everything that happened during the year, Pastor Daniel felt like the one thing his church had been able to do was put on an event to provide fo...

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