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Tag : 501(c)(3)

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IRS Finds Loophole to Get Church Records

Jul 03, 2024

The IRS has found a way of getting church records without having to comply with Section 7611. In Topeka, Kansas, a case brought to light significant c...

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Your Church Needs Bigger Shoes

Mar 22, 2024

In the most recent meeting, Mateo addressed the Board with pressing concerns: "How do we ensure the protection of the vision imparted to our pastor?" ...

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Seeing From The Mountain Top of Summer

Jun 05, 2023

Living in Atlanta has allowed me to live close to some mountains. I am never more than an hour from a mountain from Stone Mountain downtown or the foo...

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Church Growth Strategy: CDC

Jul 20, 2022

See a need, meet a need. That is the call. And yet the gap between that vision and reality can be a wide one. StartCHURCH understa...

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What you can and cannot do with 501(c)(3)

Jun 15, 2022

In today’s video blog, we will talk about what you can and can not do with 501(c)(3) status concerning church organizations....

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What is an F.E.I.N. and does my ministry need one?

Jun 01, 2022

F.E.I.N. stands for Federal Employer Identification Number and this number is what the IRS will use to identify your church plant ...

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The Importance of Form 990

May 03, 2022

May 16th* is approaching, and it’s time to file your ministry’s information return. So what’s an ...

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Ministries: It’s Time to File Your Annual Form 990

Apr 25, 2022

April 18th is behind us, and you’ve (hopefully) finished filing your taxes. Now, May 16th* is approaching, and it’s time to file your min...

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Do Churches Really Need to get 501 (c)(3) Status?

Mar 31, 2022

Our last video blog talked about 501(c)(3) status, specifically what it is and what it isn’t. A solid legal foundation i...

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