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Navigating Employee, Volunteer, Contractor, and Intern Pay Status

Jul 24, 2024

In the complex realm of church operations, questions often arise regarding the employment status of individuals.  Are they employees, volunteers,...

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West Virginia Won’t Let Churches Get Incorporated

May 29, 2024

Here is what to do As the leader in establishing a legal foundation for churches, we recognize the unique challenge faced by West Virginia churches d...

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Can A Church Get Sued for Giving Too Much?

May 22, 2024

A man who was dismissed from membership for causing division and strife over love offerings given to guest speakers filed a lawsuit against the church...

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Your Church Needs Bigger Shoes

Mar 22, 2024

In the most recent meeting, Mateo addressed the Board with pressing concerns: "How do we ensure the protection of the vision imparted to our pastor?" ...

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Tricky Transactions: Constructive Receipt and Pastor’s Taxes

Apr 24, 2024

Let's envision a scenario: the church pastor advises the church's board of directors to temporarily cease his salary payments to help the church weath...

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Tricky Transactions: Handling Weird Donations

May 15, 2024

Weird donations may be a sign that your church is doing great. People are willing to give whatever they can because they love the Lord and their churc...

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Tricky Transactions: Recording Church Assets Held in Pastor’s Name

Apr 10, 2024

It's common for churches to handle the purchase of a car for official use incorrectly. Sometimes, a pastor or another appointed individual buys the ve...

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How to Change Your Church Bylaws Without Changing Them

Feb 21, 2024

I want to introduce an important concept to simplify maintaining your church's compliance. Many churches adopt bylaws, but as time passes, the way the...

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Should Newly Started Denominations Wait to Get 501(c)(3) Status?

Mar 13, 2024

A view that primarily advocates for the reliance on IRC §508(c) to achieve tax-exempt status for churches concerning federal income tax as they w...

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