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Tag : Lawsuits

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Supreme Court Ruling On Religious Schools

Sep 03, 2020

On Wednesday, January 22, 2020, the United States Supreme Court met to hear a particularly important case for religious institutions: Espinoza Versus ...

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3 Court Cases You Need to Know About

Aug 02, 2018

It’s hard to believe that summer is almost over. Here in Georgia, children are headed back to school and pumpkin decorations are starting to sho...

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Kentucky Court Delivers Blow to Church Release Forms

May 17, 2018

With the summer months quickly approaching, many churches are preparing to take short-term missions trips. Additionally, many church youth groups will...

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The Ultimate Strategy to Protect Your Church

Oct 31, 2017

Over the past two weeks, we have talked about how to know when it is the right time for your church to begin building and what steps to take when that...

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Why It's Important to Know What Your Bylaws Say, Part 1

Sep 05, 2017

Have you ever had to assemble something? Maybe it was a toy for your child on Christmas, or perhaps you have had to assemble furniture from IKEA. What...

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How to Protect Your Church Property and Assets

Aug 15, 2017

When I survey the direction of ministry today, I see a country that is being torn from within. Our legislative culture is becoming more and more hosti...

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Appeals Court Sides with Christian T-Shirt Company

Jul 27, 2017

In recent weeks, the United States Supreme Court announced that next term (October 2017) it will hear the case involving Masterpiece Cakeshop, a Color...

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How to Protect Your Ministry's Religious Liberties

Jun 27, 2017

June 26, 2017, marked two-years since the Supreme Court ruled in favor of same-sex marriage. So, what is new? Has anything really changed that you nee...

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Can Donations from a Bankrupt Donor Cost Your Church?

Apr 11, 2017

As I was speaking at one of our conferences recently, I was reminded, again, how much pastors and ministry leaders rely upon tithes and offerings to...

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