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How to Change Your Church Bylaws Without Changing Them

Feb 21, 2024

I want to introduce an important concept to simplify maintaining your church's compliance. Many churches adopt bylaws, but as time passes, the way the...

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New Federal Law Kicks In- Requires New Reports

Feb 14, 2024

In 2021, Congress passed the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA). The new law took effect January 1st, 2024. It requires most companies to submit a benef...

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Court Removes Church Board for Not Having Rules

Mar 06, 2024

The true names in this story are concealed. Imagine for a moment having to go to court to defend your position as the rightful pastor of the church an...

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Tricky Transactions: Housing Allowance Rules and Bookkeeping

Mar 27, 2024

The provision of a housing allowance for ministers can be executed in two primary methods. The first method occurs when a church furnishes a parsonage...

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New 2024 Mileage Deductions For Church Use of Vehicle

Feb 07, 2024

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has recently updated its standard mileage rates for 2024, marking significant changes impacting many taxpayers, inc...

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Should Newly Started Denominations Wait to Get 501(c)(3) Status?

Mar 13, 2024

A view that primarily advocates for the reliance on IRC §508(c) to achieve tax-exempt status for churches concerning federal income tax as they w...

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The Myths of the “508 Free Church” Status

May 01, 2024

Periodically, the “508 Free Church” misconception circulates the internet, leading pastors and leaders astray. Advocates of this notion as...

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Suing James Madison

Apr 17, 2024

West Virginia Doesn't Let Churches Incorporate The title "Suing James Madison" is undoubtedly provocative. Still, it serves as a figurative gateway...

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Court Rulings Widen the Path For Church Owned Businesses

May 08, 2024

The trend of church ownership in for-profit businesses is on an upward trajectory. Church leaders are increasingly leveraging the acquisition and crea...

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