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Can A Church Get Sued for Giving Too Much?

May 22, 2024

A man who was dismissed from membership for causing division and strife over love offerings given to guest speakers filed a lawsuit against the church...

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I’m Thinking of Getting Thicker Glasses

Apr 27, 2024

Several seasons back, I indulged in the television adaptation of "My Cousin Vinny."1 A drama unfolded Within this small-town courtroom that has seen m...

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Your Church Needs Bigger Shoes

Mar 22, 2024

In the most recent meeting, Mateo addressed the Board with pressing concerns: "How do we ensure the protection of the vision imparted to our pastor?" ...

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Tricky Transactions: Constructive Receipt and Pastor’s Taxes

Apr 24, 2024

Let's envision a scenario: the church pastor advises the church's board of directors to temporarily cease his salary payments to help the church weath...

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Tricky Transactions: Handling Weird Donations

May 15, 2024

Weird donations may be a sign that your church is doing great. People are willing to give whatever they can because they love the Lord and their churc...

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Tricky Transactions: Recording Church Assets Held in Pastor’s Name

Apr 10, 2024

It's common for churches to handle the purchase of a car for official use incorrectly. Sometimes, a pastor or another appointed individual buys the ve...

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Hotel California- What Must I Do to Be Saved?

Mar 30, 2024

When pastoring a church in Florida, I often counseled a church member. She was tormented by a persistent, troubling thought and suffered from distress...

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Tricky Transactions: Recording Donated Stock to a Church

Mar 20, 2024

At the end of this blog, I will show you how donor X was able to make a $30,000 stock donation to his church, and it effectively cost him nothing. Ess...

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Losing Tax Exemption Because of Same-Sex Marriage Matters

Feb 28, 2024

Many legal experts contend that there's a precedent in place today that would allow the IRS to revoke the tax-exempt status of organizations that oppo...

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