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Tag : Housing Allowance

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Turn Honorariums into Tax-Free Housing Allowance

Jun 26, 2024

This post aims to provide insights into converting honorariums into a tax-free housing allowance. This is particularly beneficial for pastors who do n...

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Tricky Transactions: Housing Allowance Rules and Bookkeeping

Mar 27, 2024

The provision of a housing allowance for ministers can be executed in two primary methods. The first method occurs when a church furnishes a parsonage...

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3 Major Tax Benefits for Pastors

Feb 18, 2020

Some pastors around this time find themselves saying something along the lines of, “I am so upset that I owe $5,875.00 on my tax return!” ...

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Housing Allowance Ruling Saves More Than You Think

Mar 21, 2019

For well over a decade, the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) has been filing lawsuits against the constitutionality of housing allowance in Sec...

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3 Common Myths about Housing Allowance

May 08, 2018

The minister’s housing allowance is perhaps the best tax benefit afforded to pastors; however, it is also one of the most misunderstood tax bene...

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3 Tax Privileges Every Pastor Should Have

Dec 12, 2017

Every year we have the privilege of helping hundreds of ministers file their taxes. Because of the tax benefits and privileges afforded to ordained mi...

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1st Quarter Tax Calendar for 2016

Dec 29, 2015

Can you believe that 2016 is almost here? Every year in January, our office gets flooded with tons of phone calls from pastors and church leaders...

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Is Your Home Office Deduction Legal?

Nov 19, 2015

Today, most ministers have an office in their home. For some ministers, their home office may be a converted spare bedroom, and for others it may simp...

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Do This Now For 2016

Nov 03, 2015

As surprising as it seems, the end of 2015 is quickly approaching! It seems like it was just a few short weeks ago that we were ringing in 2015 and lo...

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