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Tag : Self-Employment Tax

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3 Major Tax Benefits for Pastors

Feb 18, 2020

Some pastors around this time find themselves saying something along the lines of, “I am so upset that I owe $5,875.00 on my tax return!” ...

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1 Step Leads to 7% Budget Increase

Sep 27, 2018

“What do you mean I have to pay taxes on all this? I have the IRS letter right here! We are putting on a huge event this weekend. I don’t ...

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The Minister's Housing Allowance Back Under Attack

Sep 04, 2016

You might not be aware, but the Freedom From Religion Foundation is once again challenging the minister’s housing allowance. This coming just tw...

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1st Quarter Tax Calendar for 2016

Dec 29, 2015

Can you believe that 2016 is almost here? Every year in January, our office gets flooded with tons of phone calls from pastors and church leaders...

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4 Reasons Why Ministers Should Opt-Out of Social Security

Sep 15, 2016

Over the years, I have had the pleasure to speak with hundreds of pastors who have considered opting-out of Social Security. In most cases, the pastor...

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4 Steps to Payroll Compliance

Jul 02, 2015

Pastor Jenkins has always been the type of person to do things “by the books”. Growing up in a military family, it was only natural that h...

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What You Need to Know About Your Pay, Part 2

Apr 30, 2015

In Part 1 of this series we spent some time discussing the definition of compensation. We delved into the fact that ministerial compensation drastical...

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What You Need to Know About Your Pay, Part 1

Apr 28, 2015

As we get ready to head into the month of May, it is safe to say that the brunt of tax season has surpassed us. During this tax season, our CPAs at St...

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10 Simple Steps to Ensure Legal Ordination

Jul 19, 2018

What steps should a minister take to become ordained? When you do a Google search for “what does it take to become ordained,” you will fi...

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