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Category : IRS Compliance

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How to Know What is Taxable Income for a Minister

Oct 04, 2011

Many churches pay certain allowances as a benefit to their minister, such as a car allowance, light bills, water bills, and much more. Moreover, churc...

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Business Expenses of Ministers

Jan 30, 2009

Pastors all across America work hard and are underpaid. Statistics show that the average pastor is severely underpaid; more than in any other profess...

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A Dangerous Myth on the W-2 Form

Feb 24, 2012

"Raul, it is a burden to our church to have to file W-2 forms each year.  We only have the pastor and the secretary on salary.  Why can't we...

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Alabama Pastor Goes to Prison for Love Offerings!

Feb 17, 2009

A pastor in Alabama, Gregory Louis Clarke, was sentenced to 21 months in prison for assuming that the love offerings he received from his church were ...

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