Planting a church? This software is for you!

2021 Mileage Reimbursement Updates

Feb 04, 2021

Are you aware that you should be tracking the mileage put on your personal vehicle when used for ministerial purposes? Did you know that these miles, ...

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5 Ways You Can Misuse Church Credit Cards

Oct 01, 2020

The information in this blog for church credit cards also applies to church debit cards. Credit and debit cards are an easy way for churches to allow...

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Preparing for Pastor Appreciation Sunday

Sep 17, 2020

Pastors are a gift to the church. These leaders drive their congregation towards the goals of spreading the gospel and bringing salvation to those in ...

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Do Churches Need to Incorporate?

Sep 08, 2020

Many will try to tell you that starting a church is just like starting a business. While the processes might be similar, there are many nuanced differ...

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How Much Should You Pay Your Pastor?

Aug 27, 2020

The day that a church decides to pay its pastor is a milestone. It can be an exciting time of growth and opportunity for the church and the pastor, bu...

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Can a Ministry Lose it’s 501(c)(3) Status?

Apr 21, 2020

Congratulations! Your ministry has received its 501(c)(3) status with the IRS! We are excited for you and the work that your ministry now has the free...

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How Your Church Can Generate Income

Mar 19, 2020

I am sure that the dreams you have for your church are much bigger than your church’s checkbook. This is the case for many, if not all, pastors ...

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When Benevolence Gets You into Trouble

Mar 12, 2020

Pastoring is primarily connecting and caring for the people in the church and community, so it should not come as a surprise that Jesus would emphasiz...

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Most Common Questions Pastors Ask, Part 2

Feb 27, 2020

Starting a ministry is an exciting time! However, sometimes all the excitement leads people to make decisions that feel right in the moment but are ...

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