Tag : Church Management

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How to Pay a Contractor, and Form 1099-Misc.

Feb 24, 2015

It takes a small army to keep churches going: ushers, greeters, worship teams, children’s ministry volunteers, outreach workers, shuttle drivers...

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One Form Every Ministry Has to File

Feb 03, 2015

*Please note that churches are exempt from filing Form 990 Several years ago, a couple dreamed of establishing a ministry in the inner city commu...

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Why Your Church May Not Have Sales Tax Exemption

Jan 22, 2015

I want you to briefly close your eyes and think back to that moment when you first answered “Yes” to the voice of God calling you to the m...

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1st Quarter Tax Calendar for 2015

Jan 06, 2015

  Can you believe that 2015 is here? Every year in January, our office gets tons of phone calls from pastors and leaders asking about tax fo...

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The 2014 Ultimate Year End Checklist

Dec 02, 2014

Can you believe that it is December?  The holiday season is upon us and the end of the year is quickly approaching. During this time of year we r...

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How to Count Tithes and Offerings

Oct 13, 2014

For approximately 11 years she embezzled funds from her church in Lexington, VA. Though no one ever suspected that she would take a dime from the chur...

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Help Me Start a Church and Put Everything at Risk?

Sep 23, 2014

How would you respond if the Lord connected you to a wonderful pastor you admired who was starting a new church, and that pastor asked you, "Will you ...

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When Pastors Lose Their Way, Part 2

Sep 17, 2014

A couple of days ago I wrote about the pastor of a wonderful church that made a great impact in their community. As the leader of an excellent ministr...

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When Pastors Lose Their Way; Part 1

Sep 15, 2014

He pastored a longstanding and very successful church. Sunday services were always full to capacity as he delivered the Word of God with passion and c...

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