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How We Raised Over $40,000 in Three Months

May 07, 2012

My wife and I always had big dreams for our outreach ministry. We wanted to maximize all of our opportunities to engage our community, both Christian...

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The Biggest Part of Receiving a Blessing is Being Ready When it Comes!

Jul 16, 2009

An Outreach to Our City In 1999, my wife and I were traveling home to South Florida from a trip to Tampa.  During our three hour ride home we wer...

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Legislation that Makes it Mandatory for You Purchase Health Insurance

Jul 15, 2009

Yesterday, the House of Representatives agreed on a 1,000 page plan that completely overrides health care as we know it.  The new Bill will force...

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Compensation for past years!

Jun 15, 2009

Last week we briefly covered the issue of compensating pastors for previous, un-paid years of service, and that it is perfectly legal to do so. This ...

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Protect the Pastor's Spouse!

May 14, 2009

What if something happens to the pastor? Not long ago, I had a conversation with a pastor on salary at a church. He explained how he had recently beg...

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A Lesson on the Housing Allowance! Part 2

Apr 28, 2009

Setting up the Housing Allowance After reading part 1 of this series you may feel a little lost. Although Congress made changes to the Housing Allowa...

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How to Decrease the Chance of a Personal Lawsuit Against the Pastor and Board!

Apr 21, 2009

We are living in a time and era when lawsuits against churches have increased over 2,000 percent since 1992.   Litigating attorneys have fou...

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All Ministers on Salary at Church Must Get a W-2 by January 31st

Jan 15, 2009

Should the Pastor Get a W-2 or 1099-Misc? Some churches give their pastors and other ministers a 1099-Misc each year for their taxes.  This is no...

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The IRS May Say That You Are On Salary At the Church, Even If You Believe You Are Not

Oct 25, 2011

Because of the nature of our tax system, while most churches are focusing on outreach and other ministry functions of the church, many pastors and chu...

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